Prophet Bushiri Announces 2022/2023 Crossover Night
Prophet Bushiri Announces 2022/2023 Crossover Night
Prophet Bushiri Announces 2022/2023 Crossover Night Details
Lilongwe, Malawi: Leader of ECG The Jesus Nation (TJN) Church Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has announced that the church’s most prestigious annual Crossover Night event, set for 31st December, will be held AHL Holdings Hall premises at Kanengo in the city of Lilongwe, Malawi. The ECG TJN leader said they expect many people to attend but could not commit a figure as registration processes of those intending to come Malawi has just started in all the branches across the 73 countries where the church operates. Prophet Bushiri has, since, appealed to various stakeholders in Malawi—especially those in transport, accommodation and recreation—to partner with the church in an effort to ensure that people visiting for Crossover are well served. He has further advised stakeholders to register their businesses and services with the church through the Communications office for proper coordination.
The Prophet has also appealed for support from the Malawi government to support the event in various areas ranging from security, compliance and transportation, among others, to ensure that the event is a success. “Most of the people do not just fly in to attend the Crossover Night; we know so many who use the opportunity to tour the country and experience its beauty. I believe as a country we can work together to take this opportunity and promote our country,” he said.
The Crossover Night is ECG TJN Church’s biggest annual event where all church members converge to end a year and begin another together.
In 2021, the event was held at Malawi Square of the BICC in Lilongwe. While headquartered in South Africa, the event used to be held at Africa’s largest soccer cathedral, the FNB Stadium where a record of 110 000 people used to attend.